In the vast tapestry of human behaviour, procrastination stands out as a peculiar thread. While many associate it with mundane tasks like fitness routines or daily chores, its roots run much deeper, intertwining with our innermost fears, distractions, and aversions. Let’s uncover the hidden drivers of procrastination so we empower ourselves to break free from its grasp.
Navigating the World of Likes and Dislikes
Today’s digital realm offers instant feedback, be it OTT platforms, online shopping, food delivery apps, faster and faster gadgets, all moulding our actions for fleeting approvals and disapprovals in all areas of life. The tendency of likes and dislikes erodes our sense of duty, just as it does without seeking any applause.
Immediate Pleasures over Enduring Goals
Our innate desire for instant gratification often overshadows long-term aspirations and pursuits. Studies have shown that the ability to delay gratification is a predictor of future success in personal and professional life. In seeking immediate rewards or pleasure, we often defer essential tasks for later, and feed the procrastination cycle and weaken our WILL power.
The Boredom Maze
Every path to success has its stretches of boredom. Those who persevere through these boring phases, resisting the urge to abandon ship, often find richer rewards awaiting them.
Boredom is an inevitable part of the success journey and we tend to avoid work when it gets ‘Boring’. Anyone successful individual will vouch for moments when they wanted to quit simply out of boredom or work not being exciting enough but the longer your resolve to stay put, the easier it is for boredom to pass.
Shiny New Object
While curiosity is a hallmark of human evolution, an unchecked thirst for novelty can scatter our focus, leading us away from our core commitments. One of the human needs is the desire for new and the novel. It’s a good thing to explore, helps us grow, expand and find inspiration. On the down side when we frequently seek the new shiny object without fully immersing in one activity, idea or person, then the tendency to procrastinate on our current commitments increases.
Evading Discomfort
Avoiding pain, be it emotional or physical, is a natural instinct. However, in sidestepping pain and avoiding challenges like avoiding uncomfortable activities people or situations, all of which inadvertently amplify their power over us to procrastinate.
The Shadow of Fear
Fears, whether of loss, confrontation, reprimand or uncertainty, can paralyze action. Recognizing and confronting these fears is the first step towards breaking the chains of procrastination. The fear could be of losing someone, displeasing someone, or losing fame, fortune, job, income, wealth could delay us from taking actions increasing our tendency to procrastinate.
Overwhelm Abyss
In our information and choices saturated age, the sheer volume of tasks can lead to inertia. Ironically, this often results in trivial pursuits overshadowing critical tasks or we end up doing nothing. Overwhelm is on the rise, overwhelm due to excessive information, excessive choices, or excessive desires.
One’s Word
In an era of fleeting commitments and tall words, the sanctity of one’s word is paramount. Upholding our promises, both to ourselves and others, fortifies our WILL.
My personal quote is “Keep your WORD to Keep your WILL”. The WORD is our commitment that we have given to others or more often to ourselves based on our inner voice. To keep that commitment by overcoming our excuses and internal negotiations that’s stopping us – whether to our fitness routine, to attend meetup, or to complete a work meaning to keep the respect to our WORD and vis-à-vis to respect to ourselves.
Chains of Guilt and Shame
Past lapses can cast long shadows, making us hesitant to recommit. Recognizing and addressing this shame and guilt is essential to breaking free from its grip.
We tend to postpone things when we fail in our commitments especially when we are part of a group and haven’t kept our commitment like others then to face others comes with feelings of shame and guilt.
Outcome Obsession
Drawing wisdom from the Bhagavad Gita, detaching our efforts from outcomes can liberate us from the paralysis of uncertainty and choices. Unless we learn this quality of detachment, we can never be truly free of procrastination especially where results aren’t guaranteed or expected outcome isn’t a sure thing.
Energy Equation
Our lifestyle choices directly influence our energy levels. A well-nourished and rested body is less likely to succumb to the lures of procrastination. Our personal habits decide the energy reserves we hold each day.
Perfection Paradox
While striving for perfection is commendable, it should not hinder action. Perfection destroys potential. Our desire for perfection can make us hold back our efforts. Embrace an iterative approach boldly – act, learn, refine to beat procrastination.
In the evolving landscape of modern education, a glaring oversight persists: the lack of emphasis on discipline, consistency, and the understanding of procrastination. While our educational system equips youngsters with knowledge, it often falls short in preparing them to navigate the challenges of maintaining focus in a world of distractions.
Captain Preetham Madhukar
Founder & CEO, Skills Beyond Education
Elite Performance Coach for Visionary Leaders, Entrepreneurs, Executive, Athletes and Students to Reach New Heights | Founder of Skills Beyond Education | Parenting Mentor | Stargazing Guide | Champion of the No Zero Day Movement | TEDx Speaker & Author | Former Sea Captain | Anti-Procrastination Expert
He is a passionate advocate of the transformative power of WILL in our lives. He believes that our actions, whether big or small has the power to transform our life and are all expressions of our WILL (Actions).
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